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Clinical Pathology

Clinical Pathology


High Quality Clinical Laboratory Focused on Patient Care

Avero Diagnostics’ team of expert Clinical Laboratory Scientists provides you accurate and timely diagnoses to effectively and confidently treat your patients.

  • Physician and patient focused laboratory tailored to your specific needs
  • Direct access to our clinical laboratory experts
  • Innovative electronic order and result solutions to simplify your decision-making process

Comprehensive Clinical Laboratory Test Menu

Test Offering

  • Allergy
  • Autoimmune
  • Chemistry
  • Special Chemistry
  • Toxicology
  • Hematology
  • Coagulation
  • Urinalysis
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular PCR
Browse Comprehensive Clinical Test Menu

Unparalleled Customer Service

Our dedicated Client Services team provides support with

  • Scheduling specimen pickups
  • Tracking clinical laboratory reports
  • Facilitating client requests for add-on testing
  • Ordering supplies
  • Facilitating total laboratory support

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Clinical Panels

ANA Diagnostic PanelAMP00020Anti U1RNP, Anti RNP70, Anti Smith DP, Anti SSA/Ro, Anti SSB/La, Anti Centromere, Anti Scl-70, Anti Jo-1
ANA Screen w/ ReflexAMP0002Anti dsDNA, EliA Symphony
ANCA ProfileAMP0001Anti MPO, Anti PR3, Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane
Basic Metabolic PanelCHP0002Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, Calcium, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Anion gap, eGFR
CBC w/ Auto Diff, Reflex To Manual DiffHMP0001Hgb, Hct, Plt, Mean Platelet volume (MPV), WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, RDW-SD, Neut %, Neut #, Lymph %, Lymph #, Mono %, Mono #, Eos %, Eos #, Baso %, Baso #, Immature granulocyte %, Immature granulocyte #, nRBC %, nRBC #
CBC w/ No DiffHMP0003Hgb, Hct, Plt, Mean Platelet volume (MPV), WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, RDW-SD
CBC, Auto Diff w/ Anemia ReflexHMP0001-AHgb, Hct, Plt, Mean Platelet volume (MPV), WBC, RBC, MCV, MCH, RDW-SD, MCHC, RDW, Neut %, Neut #, Lymph %, Lymph #, Mono %, Mono #, Eos %, Eos #, Baso %, Baso #, Immature granulocyte %, Immature granulocyte #, nRBC %, nRBC #.
If HGB and MCV are abnormal, then reflex to: Iron and Iron Binding Capacity, Ferritin, Reticulocyte, Hemoglobin Panel, and/or Vitamin B12/Folate
Celiac Disease PanelAMP0006Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgG, Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA
Comprehensive Metabolic PanelCHP0001Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, Calcium, Alk Phos, AST, ALT, BUN, Glucose, Creatinine, Total Protein, Albumin, Bilirubin Total, Anion gap, eGFR
Electrolyte Panel, SerumCHP0008Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, CO2, Anion gap
Factor II&V (Leiden) PCR (Qualitative)MIP0002Factor II mutation, Factor V Leiden mutation
Hepatic Function PanelCHP0005Alk Phos, AST, ALT, Total Protein, Albumin, Bilirubin Total, Bilirubin Direct
Iron and Iron Binding CapacityCHP0013Iron, TIBC (UIBC), Transferrin Saturation
Lipid Panel w/ Calculated LDLCHP0003Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL Calculated, VLDL Calculated
 Lipid Panel w/ Reflex to Direct LDLCHP0016Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL calculated, VLDL Calculated
Renal Function PanelCHP0011Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, BUN, Glucose, Creatinine, Calcium, Phos, Albumin, Anion gap, eGFR
Thyroid Antibodies PanelAMP0005Anti-Thyroglobulin, Anti TPO (Anti Thyroid Peroxidase)
Thyroid Function Panel w/ TSHCHP0012TSH, Free Thyroxine Index (FTI), T4 total, T Uptake